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Personal wine tastings

Pieter Fraeyman, a hospitality aficionado, thrives on crafting exceptional experiences, nurturing a profound wine expertise honed under Joachim Boudens at Hertog Jan. Awarded Sommelier of the Year in 2018, Pieter now excels as wine director and sommelier at Hertog Jan at Botanic in Antwerp. Through his personal project Sur Lattes Wijnatelier, he extends his expertise to your home, offering a monthly wine subscription that complements your personal cellar and in-home wine tastings.

To truly elevate the wine experience, Pieter's exquisite palate is complemented by the precisely crafted visuals brought to life by the content crew. Through copywriting, social media planning, and personal photography every bottle's journey comes alive. Just like every grape enhances the wine's character, the content crew creates digital stories that enrich the Sur Lattes experience.

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